Greetings to my Sisters and Brothers in Missions:
Many of the members of the Commission on Membership and Recruitment have asked for a Special Edition of our blog concerning Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness for the month of October. We have numerous Young Adult Missionaries that have experienced and survived Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence. Some of our Sisters have privately shared their experiences under our commission umbrella while others desire to share their experiences on our blog, SISTERS Speak. We are thankful for their voices and willingness to speak/share, as it reminds other sisters they are not alone.
After talking with our Connectional WMS 3rd Vice President, President Hilda Matshoba, about our Sisters’ desire to share their vital, yet personal experiences, we have agreed to go forth with the articles with the consent of each Sister that will participate.
We commend every Sister for stepping forward and sharing their personal experiences about their journey and victories over Breast Cancer and/or Domestic Violence. The courage and extreme boldness speak volumes toward the tedious and horrifying process that has been endured. Thank you to our Sisters who provided encouraging words throughout the treatment process for so many. Thank you to our Sisters who provided the safe havens when she walked away from it all or even directed them along the right pathways towards professional assistance.
As we continue to share realistic aspects of life with others within the next few weeks through our blog, we hope and pray that each prayer and story of a Sister’s life journey will strengthen your daily walk with Christ.
Together as one body, we will continue to fight and spread awareness to all.
Let us pray,
Most Merciful and Faithful God, thank you for your love for us as Missionary Sisters and Brothers. We are thankful for a love that is completely unchanging, unconquerable, and unconditional. Hardship, persecution, or even a depressing and discouraging threat against our lives is never a sign that you have stopped or halted your love for us. We praise you, oh Lord for all that you continue to be in our lives! There is nothing, not even death nor life, not angels nor demons, not our dreadful fears for today nor our overwhelming worries about tomorrow, not even the powers of hell, not even cancer or domestic violence that can ever separate us from the love that you revealed for us through Christ Jesus, Amen.
We are Sisters, We are One in Missions!
Sister Sylvia C. Blake
Connectional Member at Large
Women’s Missionary Society